EMDR Intensives: Accelerated EMDR Therapy for Faster Relief and Healing

Available in FL, SC, & VT

What is an EMDR Intensive?

EMDR Intensives are therapy sessions that are longer in length, usually 3-6 hours per day (breaks are taken!), that allow the client and therapist to work more intensively together without the burden of stopping and starting sessions like in a traditional therapy hour. Intensives may conclude after (1) session; however, most include multiple days (2-4).

Why choose intensive work?

  • Efficiency of time and money: no need to meet week after week, month after month for an hour at a time

  • Flexibility with scheduling: support for your preferred schedule and timeline for your treatment goals

  • Personalized treatment plan with a personalized workbook that allows you to work on treatment goals before, during, and after your sessions

  • Skip to the front of the line and work with a Certified EMDR Therapist

Are EMDR Intensives Right for Me?

If you relate to any of the following, you would likely benefit from intensive work…

  • You are on leave from work and need to address issues before you can go back to work.

  • You are afraid you might lose your job because you keep getting activated at work, i.e., anxious, angry, frustrated

  • You’ve had a sense that something profound has yet to change, but you’re not quite sure how to shift all the way into a new experience with your current therapist.

  • Maybe you now cognitively understand new things, yet your body is still confused, so you’re curious about how intensive EMDR therapy can help as you work with your primary talk therapist.

  • Your schedule has been so hectic and demanding; a weekly, ongoing therapy appointment feels too overwhelming.

  • You need help —- and a lot of it—- right now, and you don’t want to spend months in the traditional weekly model of therapy treatment.

  • You need more efficient support as the busy parent and/or the working professional and are looking for a therapy that will easily fit into your schedule.

  • You are a current, weekly client who is needing extra, focused support quickly.

  • You are a new client who just prefers to work intensively.

Are EMDR Intensives Effective?

  • Intensive application of trauma-focused therapy seems to be well tolerated in patients with PTSD, enabling faster symptom reduction with similar, or even better, results, while reducing the risk that patients drop out prematurely. Learn more here and here.

  • Intensive EMDR treatment is feasible and is indicative of reliable improvement in PTSD symptoms in a very short time frame. Learn more here.

  • An intensive program using EMDR therapy is a potentially safe and effective treatment alternative for complex PTSD. Learn more here.

  • The economic value is compelling: even compared to other trauma therapy, the intensive format may decrease treatment time, because of time not spent on a) checking in at the beginning of each session, b) addressing current crises and concerns, c) focusing on stabilizing and coping skills that the client won’t need after trauma healing, or d) assisting the client in regaining composure at the end of the session. Learn more here.

As a therapist, why do I love EMDR and particularly, EMDR Intensives?

As a client of EMDR, I have experienced the power of change quickly. During my EMDR training, I was called on to play the role of the “client” to give my fellow therapists an opportunity to practice their newfound skills on me. I was tasked to bring up a disturbing memory I wanted to process. I chose a memory of a work-related incident that I had already addressed with two other therapists using CBT informed talk therapy with little to no relief. Within about 10 minutes of Phase 4 Reprocessing, I felt relief, amused, and light. I no longer felt guilt or shame; I let go of negative beliefs I held about myself for years related to this incident. In ten minutes! I have since had EMDR Therapy as a client addressing other issues and memories and the result has been similar.

As a Certified EMDR Therapist, I love EMDR because it brings relief to my clients faster than other types of therapy. I often have clients come to me out of frustration from years of therapy with little to no symptom relief or symptom relief that doesn’t last. This is often due to the lack of a somatic component to talk therapy. I am focused on offering EMDR Intensives because I find the traditional weekly, hourly therapy model limiting for many of my clients. It is frustrating to spend about 50% of the time opening and closing the session every single week (hello, how are you? any new crises? how are you feeling to close the session? scheduling the next session, good-bye) which only leaves about 50% of the session for actual EMDR work. Clients I work with usually have very full schedules; many of them are professionals with busy practices, a lot of responsibilities, and a multitude of family obligations. They want to get in and get out: maximum benefit for the least amount of time. This is a premium request and I am available and committed to providing a premium service.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. EMDR intensives for current clients are available in modified formats and pricing.

  • Yes. This is called Adjunct Therapy. We will identify which EMDR Intensive package is best for you during the consultation.

  • It depends on the type of insurance you have. Some insurance companies reimburse a portion of the cost of psychotherapy for one unit per day. For insurance purposes, I am considered an out-of-network provider. It's best to determine the exact details of your policy ahead of time if this is a deal breaker for you, including what benefits are available regarding out-of-network providers and if your insurance will reimburse several hours (or units) of therapy in one day or one week. I will provide you with a Superbill for all direct contact therapy services included in the program.

  • Telehealth sessions are available to anyone physically located in FL at the time of the session using a secure, confidential, HIPAA compliant video software called Simple Practice.

    Given the nature of the work and the duration of the work, in person sessions are preferrable.

    If you live in the Gainesville area, I would make arrangements to use a local colleague’s office for our sessions as my home office is not usually available for extended in person sessions.

    If you do not live in the Gainesville area, I am available to travel to your area and meet with you at a mutually agreeable location, i.e., office, hotel conference room. There may be additional costs associated with my travel; these would be discussed ahead of time.

What is included in an EMDR Intensive and how much does it cost?

One 90-minute, pre-consultation interview (online or in Lori’s home office) to assess for candidacy, gain insight, and identify obstacles. We will also target unpleasant beliefs, body sensations, emotions, or images from which you are seeking relief.

  • Assessments to identify symptoms you’d like to alleviate, your attachment style, areas of activation or triggers, strengths you’d like to enhance, and memories or experiences that still need attention and soothing

  • Preparation for your intensive treatment experience and articulation of specific treatment goals

  • Personalized treatment workbook, which allows you work on your treatment goals before and after EMDR intensive sessions

  • One 90-minute, post-treatment interview (online or in Lori’s home office) to assess and support your adaption to positive changes from treatment

1-day Weekday EMDR Intensive (8 hour program)

6 contact hours + resources/ assessments/ personalized treatment workbook


One day (3 hours) of client-centered treatment consisting of EMDR resourcing and reprocessing with Lori via telehealth or in person in a Gainesville location or location in your area

*Care Credit Financing Available.

3-day Weekday EMDR Intensive (14 hour program) 

12 contact hours + resources/ assessments/ personalized treatment workbook


Three weekdays (9 total hours @ 3 hours/day) of client-centered treatment consisting of EMDR resourcing and reprocessing with Lori via telehealth or in person in a Gainesville location or location in your area. Additional costs may be assessed for traveling to your area.

*Care Credit Financing Available

3-day Weekend (Friday-Sunday) EMDR Intensive (14 hour program)  

12 contact hours + resources/ assessments/ personalized treatment workbook


One weekend (9 total hours = 3-4 hours/day on Friday through Sunday) of client-centered treatment consisting of EMDR resourcing and reprocessing with Lori via telehealth or in person in a Gainesville location or location in your area. Additional costs may be assessed for traveling to your area.

*Care Credit Financing Available

Experience the Power of EMDR Intensives

If you would like to experience the power of EMDR therapy and EMDR Intensives in your own life, I encourage you to connect with me. To get started, you can use the contact form.

For more information about EMDR, you can watch the video at the link below:
About EMDR Therapy - EMDR International Association (emdria.org)

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