Break free from feelings of guilt and shame

Substance Use Disorder Counseling

Support Available in Florida, South Carolina, and Vermont

Do you know you need to quit drinking but you just can’t?

You’re likely here for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Your spouse told you, ‘Go talk to someone “or else”’?

  • You know all this hiding is going to blow up in your face one day and the anxiety is eating you alive.

  • You are feeling so bad about yourself, you sometimes think your family would be better off without you.

  • You’re feeling hopeless, worthless, and scared.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

  • Making mistakes at work.

  • Calling in sick to work or being late.

  • Arguing with and yelling at your spouse and kids

  • Not taking care of yourself.

  • Avoiding friends and family unless they also use substances.

Substance Use Disorder Counseling can help!

It may feel impossible now, but you can quit drinking. You can stay sober. You can be happy and feel good about yourself again. You can having loving relationships with your family again.

Substance Use Disorder Counseling helps you do 5 things:

  1. Identify and heal from the underlying causes of excessive drinking, i.e., why is this happening to me?

  2. Provide information about addiction, its consequences, and the process of recovery.

  3. Help you explore and strengthen your motivation for change.

  4. Teach you healthy coping mechanisms and stress management techniques to replace substance use.

  5. Develop a relapse prevention plan by identifying triggers and high-risk situations that may lead to relapse, strategies to prevent relapse and manage relapse, and sources of support for recovery.

I’ll help you through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to substance use disorder counseling comes from a place of hopefulness and respect: I believe that addiction is a medical disease; not a moral failing. Being unable to stop or reduce drinking is not a character issue; science has taught us it is rooted in the brain.

It’s not your fault and you can recover.

Thinking you’re a bad parent or partner and being drunk all the time doesn’t have to be your story.

I can help you change the direction of your life.

Imagine a life where you…

  • Wake up feeling refreshed-no yucky taste in your mouth, no shakes, no stomach issues, no headaches

  • No longer structure your life around alcohol: no clock watching, no daily stops at the store, no masking your breath, no making sure you have enough to get through

  • Are honest with your spouse, your kids, your friends, and especially yourself about where you’re going, what you’re doing, and how you’re feeling; no more lies.

  • Don’t have to keep saying, ‘I’m sorry. I’ll do better.’ only to fail at the very next turn.

  • Are fully present in your life: you actually enjoy your work, your spouse, your kids. You are there and they notice!

  • Feel proud of who you are and what you have accomplished.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you help people with drug addiction or just alcohol problems?

Yes, I help people with all kinds of substance problems, not just alcohol.

What if I don’t want to stop or can’t stop?

If you’re reading this page and considering treatment, that’s a sign that you probably want to stop your substance use. But if you feel like it’s impossible to break your addiction, that’s okay. It’s normal to feel that way. Let’s start by going over the pros and cons of your usage and what your goals for the future are. We’ll focus on what you’re already doing that’s working and closely examine what’s not working.  There is nothing wrong with a harm reduction approach, i.e., reducing the negative consequences of use one step at a time.

What about medication?

I can refer you to speak with an addiction medicine specialist who can review available medications that may help with detox, cravings, anxiety and other physical and emotional issues related to getting sober. Taking medication or meeting with a prescriber is not a requirement to work with me. If you are already meeting with a prescriber, I am happy to speak with them to coordinate care.

How do I know if substance use disorder counseling will work for me?

While I can’t make any guarantees, I have worked with hundreds of clients who started out with the same question and are now substance free. If you have a question in your mind that you might have a problem, you probably do. In 20+ years of practice, I have yet to have a client start working with me who thought they might have a problem with alcohol or drugs and not be able to benefit from counseling. If you are struggling in your daily life and someone has brought it to your attention, you are in the right place.

Are there any other resources available to help me?

Yes! Great question. I offer group counseling for both women and men. For women, I offer a Women's Therapy Group. For men, I offer a Men’s Therapy Group. If you are interested in participating in group therapy, you can ask about it at any time during the counseling process.

How long do I have to be in therapy?

Everyone’s needs and motivation levels are different. There are no guarantees and it’s impossible to predict how long I will work with you. My best recommendation to all of my clients is to be consistent in your attendance and show up to the best of your ability to work during sessions.

How do we get started?

Schedule a free 15-20 minute phone consultation. This will give me an opportunity to briefly ask you a few questions about what you need therapy for as well as give you a chance to ask me a few questions about how I work or about substance disorder counseling. From there, we will schedule an intake session.

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